Monday, December 3, 2007


We find out that Holden has been telling his story all from a mental institute. He is there presumably because his family thinks he needed help. He plans to go to a new school is the fall and that he does not know about his future.

Sally Hayes

Sally is an attractive girl whom he has dated in the past. They arrange to meet for a showing of a Broadway play where Holden. When they meet the talk and go skating, this seems to help Holden but it does not satisfy him enough.

The Trains and Nuns

When Holden is on the train we see that he meets 2 nuns and he starts to talk to them and eventually he offers to give them money. He gives them $10 but after he gets of off the train he feels bad that he didn't give them more money.

Pencey Prep

Holden is going to Prencey prep in Agerstown, Pennsylvania this is Holden's 4th school he has been kicked out of most of his other schools due to poor grades and this is no exception. It is now the end of the fall semester and Holden has failed 4 out of his 5 classes and he recives notice tht he has been expelled. Holden is not cut out for conformity and donig it by the book he wants to be on his own, free to do and be what he wants.


Holden also has another brother we don't hear about too much. DB is a screenwriter in Hollywood and Holden calls with a phony becuase he only writes for the money and never for the intellect he chould gain from it. He rearely visits home.


Phoebe is Holden's little sister whom he loves a lot. He relates to her. In ways she can be even more mature than him criticizing him for childishness. He says that she is too affectionate and that it may lead to the cause of the loss of her inocence.


Jane Gallagher is an old friend of Holden's who started to date Stradlater but Holden seems upset by this Holden does not want Stradlater to hurt Jane and this seems to provoke a fight Holden and Stradlater had before Holden left school to go to New York.


In this book we see Holden talk a lot about people being Phony and unreal. Like when Holden goes to the movies we see him watching a romantic movie and he keeps thinking that this is not real life, fake. We see Holden constantly judging people, without ever talking to them. When he was a the pervert hotel he saw those women in the club who he tried to talk to but we could see they were not intrested in him at all. He was a kid they were grown up and looking for celebrities. So eventually he gets one to dance with him and when Holden tries to talk to her all she does is dy dream and ignores him. Holden seems to be upset by this. Holden wether he seems it or not needs people and wants to interact but only a few people know how to interact with him.


Towards the end of the book we see Phobe on a carousel and Holden is sitting on a bench watching her. All the people run for cover as it starts to rain but not Holden, Holden sits in that bench and cries. I think he cries because it reminds him of his childhood when Allie, Phobe and himself were together and having fun.


In this book we see that Holden has a connection, a strong connection to his brother Allie who died of Leukemia some years ago. He said that Allie and Phoebe were one the few people who could understand Holden. To keep a coneection with Allie Holden has a old baseball glove that belonged to Allie with poetry written it. The night Allie died Holden broke a window in the family garage and it prementaly damaged his hand and now Holden cannot nake a tight fist with his right hand.